


Tokyo station in the middle of Obon week.

ランチタイムはピクニック。影の色が濃い。 (at Tokyo Imperial Palace)



One summer day in Tokiwadaira. (at 金ヶ作公園)

It’s August! And yes, the temperature is up to 34 degrees Celsius this afternoon in Tokyo.


Spending my lunch break out on the Imperial Palace Outer Garden, with my smartphone playing jazz.

Lunch time. It’s very warm in Tokyo.

Lunch time.


Going out to have lunch here is one of the highlights of my ordinary working days.

A must have to survive summer in Japan.


Breakfast Saturday, 21 June, 2014

My #kitchen, a bit old-fashioned and the shelves and sink are a bit low for my height but I like it very much anyway. #keittiö #Iittala #muki

いいお天気! Lovely day today in #Marunouchi #Tokyo.

#cherry_blossoms #Yaesu #Tokyo #Japan #spring #kirsikka #kevät #Frueling

Ochanomizu, Tokyo.

#Spring #celebration. This #weekend will be a perfect timing to view and appreciate #cherry_blossoms in Greater #Tokyo area. #kirsikka #kevät #Japani #Japan #Frueling #kukka

#retro #apartment #Japan

Busy day at work, time went by so fast. It’s a pity I wasn’t able to go outside to feel spring warmth in the afternoon.

#団地 #スターハウス #常盤平 #常盤平団地 #公団 #レトロ #ノスタルジック #apartment #Japan #kerrostalo #retro #architecture #design #nostalgic #spring #sunny #aurinkoinen #kevät #rakennus

Trees in Ueno Park, Tokyo.